BSA Parts Catalogs (and how to use them...)
ie. 2 digits, a dash, then 4 more digits, e.g. 71-2790.We use a plain dash between part number fields.
BSA used two prior formats:
Converting early short numbers requires leading zero's to be added: ie. 2-79 becomes 02-0079.
Later books preceded the number with additional codes: ie. 11642-2631 becomes 42-2631.
If nothing comes up in our search engine, try using just the last four digits after the dash.
If you can't figure it out let us know.
A series Twins & Triples
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1949-1953 Twins
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc A7 models
1949: A7: Frame ZA7-101, Eng.ZA7-101
A7 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-101, Eng.ZA7-101
A7 Star Twin: Frame ZA7S-101, Eng.ZA7S-101
1950: A7: Frame ZA7-4001, Eng.ZA7-7001
A7 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-6001, Eng.ZA7-7001
A7 Star Twin: Frame ZA7S-6001, Eng.ZA7S-4001
1951: A7: Frame ZA7-6001, Eng.AA7-101
A7 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-14001, Eng.AA7101
A7 Star Twin: Frame ZA7S-14001, Eng.AA7S-101
1952: A7: Frame ZA7-8001, Eng.AA7-5001
A7 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-26001, Eng.AA7-5001
A7 Star Twin: Frame ZA7S-26001, Eng.AA7S-1001
1953: A7: Frame BA7-101, Eng.BA7-101
A7 Plunger: Frame BA7S-101, Eng.BA7-101
A7 Star Twin: Frame BA7S-101, Eng.BA7S-101
650cc A10 models
1950: A10: Frame ZA7-4001, Eng.ZA10-101
A10 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-6001, Eng.ZA10-101
1951: A10: Frame ZA7-6001, Eng.ZA10-4001
A10 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-14001, Eng.ZA10-4001
1952: A10: Frame ZA7-8001, Eng.ZA10-12001
A10 Plunger: Frame ZA7S-26001, Eng.ZA10-12001
1953: A10: Frame BA7-101, Eng.BA10-101
A10 Plunger: Frame BA7S-101, Eng.BA10-101
A10 Spitfire: Frame BA10-101, Eng.BA10S-101
Sample Page (low resolution)
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1954-1957 Twins
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc A7 models
1954: A7 Plunger: Frame BA7S-8950 on, Eng.BA7-2001 on
A7 Swinging Arm: Frame CA7-101 on, Eng. CA7-101 on
A7 Star Twin Plunger: Frame BA7S-8950, Eng.BA7S-2001
A7 Shooting Star Swinging Arm: Frame CA7-101, Eng.CA7SS-101
1955: A7: Frame CA7-7001, Eng.CA7-1501
A7 Shooting Star: Frame CA7-7001, Eng.CA7SS-501
1956: A7: Frame EA7-101, Eng.CA7-2701
A7 Shooting Star: Frame EA7-101, Eng.CA7SS-2301
1957: A7: Frame EA7-, Eng.CA7-
A7 Shooting Star: Frame EA7-, Eng.CA7SS-
650cc A10 models
1954: A10 Plunger: Frame BA7S-8950 on, Eng.BA10-7001 on
A10 Swinging Arm: Frame CA7-101, Eng.CA10-101
A10 Super Flash: Frame BA10S-701, Eng.BA10S-701
A10 Road Rocket: Frame CA7-101, Eng.CA10R-101
1955: A10 Plunger: Frame BA7S-15001, Eng.BA10-11001
A10 Swinging Arm: Frame CA7-7001, Eng.CA10-4501
A10 Road Rocket: Frame CA7-7001, Eng.CA10R-601
1956: A10 Plunger: Frame BA7S-18001, Eng.BA10-14001
A10 Swinging Arm: Frame EA7-101, Eng.CA10-8001
A10 Road Rocket: Frame EA7-101, Eng.CA10R-2001
1957: A10 Plunger: Frame BA7S-20289, Eng.BA10-16036
A10 Swinging Arm: Frame EA7-, Eng.CA10-
A10 Road Rocket: Frame EA7-, Eng.CA10R-
Sample Page (low resolution):
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1958-1959 Twins
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc A7 models
1958: A7: Frame FA7-101, Eng.CA7-5001
A7 Shooting Star: Frame FA7-101, Eng.CA7SS-4501
1959: A7: Frame FA7-8582, Eng.CA7-5867
A7 Shooting Star: Frame FA7-8582, Eng.CA7SS-5425
650cc A10 models
1958: A10: Frame FA7-101, Eng.DA10-651
A10 Super Rocket: Frame FA7-101, Eng.CA10R-6001
1959: A10: Frame FA7-8522, Eng.DA10-4616
A10 Super Rocket: Frame FA7-8522, Eng.CA10R-8193
A10 Spitfire: Frame FA7A-101, Eng.CA10SR-776
Sample Page (low resolution):

500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1960-1961 Twins
500cc A7 and 650cc A10 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc A7 models
1960: A7: Frame GA7-101, Eng.CA7-7101
A7 Shooting Star: Frame GA7-101, Eng.CA7SS-6701
1961: A7: Frame GA7-11101, Eng.CA7-8501
A7 (alternator): Frame GA&-11101, Eng.CA7A-8501
A7 Shooting Star: Frame GA7-11101, Eng.CA7SS-2301
650cc A10 models
1960: A10: Frame GA7-101, Eng.DA10-7801
A10 Super Rocket: Frame GA7-101, Eng.DA10R-101
A10 Spitfire: Frame GA7A-101, Eng.DA10SR-101
1961: A10: Frame GA7-11101, Eng.DA10-13201
A10 (alternator): Frame GA7-11101, Eng.DA10A-13201
A10 Super Rocket: Frame GA7-11101, Eng.DA10R-3001
A10 Spitfire: Frame GA7A-401, Eng.DA10SR-401
Sample Page (low resolution):
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1962-1963 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc models
1962: A50: Frame A50-101, Eng.A50-101
A50 (rod brake): Frame A50A-101, Eng.A50-101
1963: A50: Frame A50-2288, Eng.A50-823
A50 (rod brake): Frame A50-2701, Eng.A50-823
650cc models
1962: A65: Frame A50-101, Eng.A65-101
A65 (rod brake): Frame A50A-101, Eng.A65-101
1963: A65: Frame A50-2288, Eng.A65-1947
A65 (rod brake): Frame A50-2701, Eng.A65-1947
Sample Page (low resolution):
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1964 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc models
1964: A50: Frame A50-5501, Eng.A50A-101
A50C (USA): Frame A50B-101, Eng.A50B-101
650cc models
1964: A65: Frame A50-5501, Eng.A65A-101
A65 Rocket: Frame A50-5501, Eng.A65B-101
A65 Rocket (with tacho) A50-5501, Eng.A65C-101
A65 Thunderbolt Rocket: Frame A50-5501, Eng.A65B-101
A65 Lightning Rocket: Frame A50B-101, Eng.A65D-101
A65 Spitfire Hornet: Frame A50B-101, Eng.A65E-101
Sample Page (low resolution):
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1965 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (start of production)
500cc models
1965: A50: Frame A50A-686, Eng.A50-8437
A50 Cyclone (US road): Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A50D-101
A50 Cyclone Comp. (US off-road): Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A50B-507
A50 Cyclone (UK): Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A50DC-101
A50 Cyclone Comp. (UK): Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A50DC-101
650cc models
1965: A65: Frame A50-8437, Eng.A65A-1134
A65 Rocket: Frame A50-8437, Eng.A65B-334
A65 Rocket (with tacho) A50-8437, Eng.A65C-1082
A65 Lightning: Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A65DC2158
A65 Lightning Rocket: Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A65D-1742
A65 Lightning Clubman.: Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A65DC-2158
A65 Spitfire Hornet: Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A65E-701
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1966 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc models
1966: A50 Royal Star: Frame A50C-101, Eng.A50R-101
A50 Wasp: Frame A50C-101, Eng.A50W-101
650cc models
1966: A65 Thunderbolt: Frame A50C-101, Eng.A65T-101
A65 Lightning: Frame A50C-101, Eng.A65L-101
A65 Hornet: Frame A50C-101, Eng.A65H-101
A65 Lightning Clubman.: Frame A50B-4001, Eng.A65DC-2158
A65 Spitfire Mk.II Special: Frame A50C-101, Eng.A65S-101
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1967 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.Covering
Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
From 1967 engine and frame numbers matched
500cc models
1967: A50 Royal Star: A50RA-101
A50 Wasp: A50WA-101
650cc models
1967: A65 Thunderbolt: A65TA-101
A65 Lightning: A65LA-101
A65 Hornet: A65HA-101
A65 Spitfire Mk.III Special: A65SA-101
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1968 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc models
1968: A50 Royal Star: A50RB-101
A50 Wasp: A50WB-101
650cc models
1968: A65 Thunderbolt: A65TB-101
A65 Lightning: A65LB-101
A65 Firebird: A65FB-101
A65 Spitfire Mk.IV Special: A65SB-101
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1969 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc models
1969: A50 Royal Star: A50RC-101
650cc models
1969: A65 Thunderbolt: A65TC-101
A65 Lightning: A65LC-101
A65 Firebird: A65FC-101
Later in 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
C: July 1968 to July 1969 for bikes made for 1969 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1970 Twins
500cc A50 and 650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
500cc models
1970: A50 Royal Star: A50R-
650cc models
1970: A65 Thunderbolt: A65T-
A65 Lightning: A65L-
A65 Firebird Scrambler: A65F-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
D: July 1969 to July 1970 for bikes made for 1970 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
650cc A65 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1971 Twins
650cc A65 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
650cc models
1971: A65 Thunderbolt: A65T-
A65 Lightning: A65L-
A65 Firebird Scrambler: A65FS-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
E: August 1970 to July 1971 for bikes made for 1971 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
650cc A65 and 750cc A70 Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1972 Twins
650cc A65 and 750cc A70 Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
650cc models
1972: A65 Thunderbolt: A65T-
A65 Lightning: A65L-
750cc models
A70 Lighting: A70L-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
G: August 1971 to July 1972 for bikes made for 1972 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
750cc A75 Rocket Three
BSA Parts Catalog, 1969 Triple
750cc A75 Rocket Three
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1969: A75 Rocket Three: A75R-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
C: July 1968 to July 1969 for bikes made for 1969 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
750cc A75 Rocket Three
BSA Parts Catalog, 1971 Triple
750cc A75 Rocket Three
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1969: A75 Rocket Three: A75R-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
E: August 1970 to July 1971 for bikes made for 1971 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
750cc A75 Rocket Three
BSA Parts Catalog, 1972 Triple
750cc A75 Rocket Three
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1972: A75 Rocket Three: A75R-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
G: August 1971 to July 1972 for bikes made for 1972 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
B series Singles
B Series 350cc and 500cc Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1949-1953 Singles
B Series 350cc and 500cc Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
350cc B31 (road going) and B32 (competition)
500cc B33 (road going) and B34 (competition)
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1949: Rigid Frame ZB31-101, Spring Frame ZB31S-101,
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.ZB31-101, B32 Eng.ZB32-101
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.ZB33-101, B34 Eng.ZB34-101
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.ZB31-9001, B32 Eng.ZB32-3001 B32 Alloy Eng.ZB32A-3001
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.ZB33-4001, B34 Eng.ZB34-2001 B34 Alloy Eng.ZB34A-2001
1951: Rigid Frame ZB31-14001, Spring Frame ZB31S-10001,
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.ZB31-15001, B32 Eng.ZB32-4001 B32 Alloy Eng.ZB32A-4001
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.ZB33-7001, B34 Eng.ZB34-3001 B34 Alloy Eng.ZB34A-3001
1952: Rigid Frame ZB31-19001, Spring Frame ZB31S-17001,
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.ZB31-21001, B32 Eng.ZB32-5001 B32 Alloy Eng.ZB32A-5001
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.ZB33-11001, B34 Eng.ZB34-4001 B34 Sand Cast Alloy Eng.ZB34A-4001
B34 Die Cast Alloy Eng.ZB34A-5001
1953: Rigid Frame BB31-101, Spring Frame BB31S-101,
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.BB31-101, B32 Eng.BB32A-101
B Series 350cc and 500cc Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1954-1957 Singles
B Series 350cc and 500cc Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
350cc B31 (road going) and B32 (competition)
500cc B33 (road going) and B34 (competition)
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1954: Rigid Frame BB31-1386, BB32R-12
Spring Frame BB31S-5895, CB31-101
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.BB31-6001, B32 Eng.BB32A-201
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.BB33-2001, B34 Eng.BB34A-201
1955: Rigid Frame BB32A-201
Spring Frame BB31S-12001, CB31-6001
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.BB31-15001, B32 Eng.BB32A-251
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.BB33-5001, B34 Eng.BB34A-301
1956: Spring Frame EB31-101, CB34-101
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.BB31-22001, B32 Eng.BB32A-301
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.BB33-7301, B34 Eng.BB34A-351
1957: Spring Frame EB31-, CB34-
350cc Engines: B31 Eng.BB31-, B32 Eng.BB32A-
500cc Engines: B33 Eng.BB33-, B34 Eng.BB34A-
Sample Page (low resolution)
B Series 350cc and 500cc Models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1958-1959 Singles
B Series 350cc and 500cc Models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
350cc B31
500cc B33
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1958: Frame FB31-101
350cc Engine: B31 Eng.GB31-101
500cc Engine: B33 Eng.GB33-101
1959: Frame FB31-2572
350cc Engine: B31 Eng.GB31-1909
500cc Engine: B33 Eng.GB33-662
Sample Page (low resolution)
B25 and C25
BSA Parts Catalog, 1967 250cc Singles
B25 and C25
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.Covering
Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1967: B25: Frame B25-101, Eng.B25-101
C25: Frame C25-101, Eng.C25-101
B25 Starfire
BSA Parts Catalog, 1968 250cc Singles
B25 Starfire
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.Covering
Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1968: B25 Starfire: Frame B25B-101, Eng.B25B-101
B25 Starfire
BSA Parts Catalog, 1969 250cc Singles
B25 Starfire
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
250cc models
1969: B25 Starfire: KC.06301.B25S
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
C: July 1968 to July 1969 for bikes made for 1969 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
B25 Starfire
BSA Parts Catalog, 1970 250cc Singles
B25 Starfire
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
250cc models
1970: B25 Starfire: JD.00101.B25S
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
D: August 1969 to July 1970 for bikes made for 1970 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
B25SS and B25T models
BSA Parts Catalog, 1971 250cc Singles
B25SS and B25T models
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
250cc models
1971: B25SS Gold Star 250 Street Scrambler: JE.00101 B25SS
B25T Victor 250 Trail: JE.00101 B25T
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
E: August 1970 to July 1971 for bikes made for 1971 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
C and M series, DBD Gold Star, and D series Bantam models

BSA Parts Catalog, 1949-1953 D1 Bantam 125cc
BSA Parts Catalogue for 1949-1953 D1 Bantam 125cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1949: D1 Engine: UYD-101, D1: YD-101
Rigid Frame No. YD1-101
1950: D1 Engine: UYD-20001(Wico), D1 Engine: UYDL-101(Lucas),
D1: YD-20001
Rigid Frame No.YD1-20001, Spring Frame No.YD1S-20001
1951: Engine No.D1: YD1-40001, D1(Lucas): YDL1-3001
Rigid Frame: YD1-40001, Spring Frame: YD1S-40001
1952: Engine No.D1: YD1-63001, D1(Lucas): YDL1-8001
Rigid Frame: YD1-64001, Spring Frame: YD1S-64001
1953: Engine No.D1: BD2-101, D1(Lucas): BD2L-101
Rigid Frame: BD2-101, Spring Frame: BD2S-101
BSA Parts Catalog, 1957-1958 D5 Bantam Super
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1958: From Engine No. ED5-101(Direct Lights), ED5B-101(Battery)
Frame No. FD5-101
BSA Parts Catalog, 1964-1966 D7 Bantam Super
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1964: Frame: D7-38400
Engine (direct lights): ED7-6887, Engine (battery): FD7-101
1965: Frame: D7-42878
Engine (direct lights): ED7-9001, Engine (battery): FD7-3001
1966: Frame: D7-49855 to 51960, and GD7-101 to 8616
Engine (direct lights): ED7-101, Engine (battery): FD7-9076
BSA Parts Catalog, 1965 D7 Bantam Trail & Pastoral
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1965: From Engine No. ED7-9001 and Frame No. D7-42878
BSA Parts Catalog, 1967 D10 Sports 175cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1967: From Engine and Frame No. D10A-101
BSA Parts Catalog, 1968 Bantam Sports 175cc
BSA Parts Catalogue for 1968 Bantam Sports D14/4 175cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1968: From Engine and Frame No. D13B-101 to 780, and D14B-781 onwards
BSA Parts Catalog, 1968 Bantam Supreme 175cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1968: From Engine and Frame No. D13B-101 to 780, and D14B-781 onwards
BSA Parts Catalog, 1969 Bantam 175cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1969: Bantam 175: D175-
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
C: July 1968 to July 1969 for bikes made for 1969 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
BSA Parts Catalog, 1969 Bushman 175cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1969: Bushman 175: D175B
In 1969 a new numbering system was introduced using a two letter prefix for the month and model season year.
The first letter designates months as follows:
A: January B: February C: March D: April E: May G: June H: July
J: August K: September N: October P: November X: December
The second letter is the year code:
C: July 1968 to July 1969 for bikes made for 1969 selling season.
Numbering started at 00101 and carried across all models.
Sample Page (low resolution)
BSA Parts Catalog, 1958 Gold Star 500cc
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1958: Frame CB32-7001
500cc Engine: DBD34GS-3001
Sample Page (low resolution)
BSA Parts Catalog, M series Military modelsM20 and M21 Sidevalve and M33 Overhead valve
Re-printed coil bound copy of the factory publication, A4 page size.
Covering Frame and Engine Numbers (at start of production year)
1949: Rigid Frame: ZM20-101,
500cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM20-101
600cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM21-101
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: ZM33-101
1950: Rigid Frame: ZM20-7001,
500cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM20-4001
600cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM21-5001
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: ZM33-3001
1951: Rigid Frame: ZM20-10001, Spring Frame: ZM20S-101
500cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM20-6001
600cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM21-8001
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: ZM33-4001
1952: Rigid Frame: ZM20-14001, Spring Frame: ZM20S-301
500cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM20-10001
600cc Sidevalve Engine: ZM21-10001
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: ZM33-5001
1953: Rigid Frame: BM20-101, Spring Frame: BM20S-101
500cc Sidevalve Engine: BM20-101
600cc Sidevalve Engine: BM21-101
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: BM33-101
1954: Rigid Frame: BM20-1502, Spring Frame: BM20S-1192
500cc Sidevalve Engine: BM20-1001
600cc Sidevalve Engine: BM21-1601
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: BM33-501
1955: Rigid Frame: BM20-4001, Spring Frame: BM20S-4001
500cc Sidevalve Engine: BM20-2501
600cc Sidevalve Engine: BM21-4501
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: BM33-1301
1956: Rigid Frame: BM20-7001, Spring Frame: BM20S-8001
600cc Sidevalve Engine: BM21-7501
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: BM33-2101
1957: Rigid Frame: BM20-, Spring Frame: BM20S-
600cc Sidevalve Engine: BM21-
500cc Overhead Valve Engine: BM33-
1958: Rigid Frame: BM20-10001, Spring Frame: BM20S-11001
600cc Sidevalve Engine: BM21-11001
Sample Page (low resolution)