Contact Us...
Phone: 03-543-2388 from anywhere within New Zealand (except the Nelson free calling area, where you can drop the leading 03).
International Callers need to add on the prefix you use to get an overseas line in your country(shown here as ++), then add in the country code for NZ (64), and finally drop the leading zero...I guess they could've made it more altogether it's: ++64-3-543-2388
Website Contact
Pick-Ups and Deliveries:
We run a busy mail-order business as our number 1 priority.
Customers wishing to call in and collect their orders may do so by prior arrangement only.
Our physical address for collections, mail, returns and all deliveries is:
191 Old Coach Rd, Mahana, Upper Moutere, Nelson 7173, New Zealand.
What are we going to do now...?

Once you've used it a few times, you'll be fine.
The old Search & Order box is now at the top of every page (above the old tin shed...)
so no matter where you are on the site you can access your cart, search for more stuff,
and complete your order.
Enter genuine part numbers for Norton, Triumph and BSA motorcycles.
We employ the same part number system BSA & Triumph adopted in the late sixties.
ie. 2 digits, a dash, then 4 more digits, e.g. 71-2790.We use a plain dash between part number fields.
If you don't see what you want, try using the last four digits only and then go by description.
If using description only, use part words as our descriptions are abridged by necessity.
e.g. nor dom muf to locate a Norton Dominator muffler
Australian GST

The Good News
Due to the effect Covid-19 has had on this years turnover, we will no longer be collecting GST on Australian orders. So all you Ozzies can order up a storm and it will depend on the happy folk at your end as to whether or not you end up paying GST.
How does it all work?
By choosing AUD in the currency box on the search bar, all of the tricky maths is taken care of automatically and you will see the actual price you pay. This doesn't include freight or insurance as it is much more cost effective for you if we pack your order and get the freight cost correct instead of guessing on the high side as most others are doing.
What they're saying....

My parts arrived today,
you blokes are special to
old farts like me...!
The parts are great,
the service is fantastic...!
I have used you in the past
and have no hesitation in
recommending you...
Thank you very much.
Cheers from Jeff, on the
other side of the ditch"
Thanks Jeff,
you're not a bad bloke....for a West Islander...
Stock Quantities
We update stock quantities from our internal system to the webstore on a daily basis. This means there can be anomalies in what the site says and what is actually on the shelf, depending on what stock has come in or gone out on any given day.
Furthermore, any unprocessed weborders accumulated (over a weekend, say), will not reduce the stock quantity shown until they are processed by a human on the next available work day. So items with low stock holdings can be depleted in this manner, leaving a gap in your order.
Okay, so here's the thing....What do the numbers actually all mean?That's a pretty good question, lets start at the top where it's easy, and work down from there:10+10+ means there were 10 or more of this item available for purchase at last stock upload to the website. As I said, pretty simple stuff so far...9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1These are the actual stock quantites of any given part at the time of the upload, so you can order up to the quantity listed and expect to receive the same quantity, right? Well, pretty much, unless someone else has beaten you to it. So if the quantity is low, be in quick...
<1 (less than one)... Less than one can only be zero, surely? Less than 1 is zero, yes, that's true (and stop calling me Shirley...), but...there is more to it than that. Items marked <1 (less than one) are live inventory products that are expected to be stocked but may currently be out of stock. It's possible they could be part of a kit that we hold under another part number, so we could borrow one to complete your order, or there may be an alternate part we could offer you to do the same job. There are some products we build in-house, so when you order this item, we just build it to complete your order.